Build & Shred your Dream Body in the Comfort of Your Own Home.

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  • Main Exercises

    Any Deficit Variations (deadlifts or squats/banded vs non-banded)

    Step Ups

    Bulgarian Split Squats

    Hip Thrusts

  • Tip/Trick

    If you’re short like me…just TWIST the band to increase the intensity.

    Performing - Banded Squat into Banded Deadlifts

  • Step Ups

    Additional demonstration of Step ups

  • Banded Kickbacks

    attach band to far clip, hinge your hips so they are perpendicular to the center eam. Place your arms on the beam and fully extend your leg kicking it back while squeezing your glutes at the top of the rep.

  • DB only deficit squats

    With your feet either Neutral or in Sumo stance with the dumbbell or kettlebell between your legs, slowly lower into a squat position. Pause and squeeze your glutes at the BOTTOM of the rep!

  • Banded Belt Squats

    Taking a lifting belt (or the bella booty) attach the band to the belt with either end on the carabiner. Hold a weight in front of you (front rack/ or Goblet position) and complete a squat!